Do Hair Subliminals Work?
Trying strange hair growth theories so you don’t waste your time!
Subliminal hair growth is one of the odder theories I’ve come across in my quest for super long hair. Even though my growth is good and my goals nearly reached, I like to test out all the hair growth ideas I find so I can report back to you on how they work.
So what is a hair subliminal?
A subliminal is a sound that is created for you to listen to and gain some benefit. They have affirmations in them but set at some decibel that can’t be perceived consciously. This is supposed to help the messages penetrate deep into our being, bypassing the skeptical part of the brain. In the case of hair subliminals they might also include a frequency that is supposed to somehow tap into our dna and…kind of inspire it.
All of this sounds unlikely to me but no harm in trying it out!
So many questions
There’s so much to wonder about how this is supposed to work. Will my husband’s hair also grow? Will my leg hair grow a lot? And as my friend Ebony said — does that mean swearing at your tangles makes your hair grow slower…?
As I looked through the options on Youtube my scalp started tingling. Interesting. Maybe that means it’s doing something. Or maybe it’s a psychosomatic response.
First night of hair subliminals
I started out by having my husband measure my hair in the evening and then I listened to a subliminal all night while I slept. In the morning he measured again. The first night’s results were promising at first.
In the evening he had measured my hair at 44 inches and 1/16th and in the morning he said 44 and a half inches.
So I was intrigued but that could be within the margin of error for measuring. Measuring my hair is hardly an exact science.
Next week of hair subliminals
So next I spent a whole week listening to the subliminal all night long every night and measured again.
Luckily my husband found it soothing. The affirmations are under the level of being able to hear them, apparently that makes them sink into your subconscious better.
A week later we were not expecting much but hopeful that we might be surprised.
I knew to take into account the small amount my hair could be expected to grow in one week based on the fact my hair grows usually a half inch a month.
And my hair measured 44 and a half inches. No change at all!
If hair subliminals worked a whole week of doing it all night should produce a very noticeable result. But it didn’t. I have to declare this one a dud.
But if you want to try it I created a couple of my own, one with fully subliminal hair messages and the other with ones you can hear:
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